Wally "Waldo" aka "Yakima" aka "The Racist Mexican" Cruz
Training Room - Bench IR
If Baddogs bone patched were earned by number of savagely torn hamstrings, or plays taken off, then Waldo would be top of the list. But instead he insists on making sure other are aware of his heritage and yours... and however many forms of smack talking that may arise from that. Quick witted and thick skinned, this player does Yakima proud on the field with his callus hands and their ability to snatch flags off waists like apples in the orchard. Joined the team as a utility player in 2011 and has played a wide variety of roles for the Baddogs and Lenys crew, he always seems to find a way to plug-in and make a play on the ball.
Training Room - Bench IR
If Baddogs bone patched were earned by number of savagely torn hamstrings, or plays taken off, then Waldo would be top of the list. But instead he insists on making sure other are aware of his heritage and yours... and however many forms of smack talking that may arise from that. Quick witted and thick skinned, this player does Yakima proud on the field with his callus hands and their ability to snatch flags off waists like apples in the orchard. Joined the team as a utility player in 2011 and has played a wide variety of roles for the Baddogs and Lenys crew, he always seems to find a way to plug-in and make a play on the ball.

Andy "Tank Turner" aka "Extra medium TEX" Evans
Tight End - Center - Linebacker - Coach
By default of being the team drinking captain he also became the field captain. As the most mature member of Leny's, which is a sad accomplishment, he holds it together on the field like he holds Leny's larges to his lips. The utility player of every season he somehow continues to find a way to stay on the field. Between playing Center, Guard, Tackle, Tight End, and Wide Receiver, he finds time to argue about the validity of his 40 time, which many dispute. Weaver claims that Andy believes he is the "King of Everything" which Andy has neither denied or affirmed.
Tight End - Center - Linebacker - Coach
By default of being the team drinking captain he also became the field captain. As the most mature member of Leny's, which is a sad accomplishment, he holds it together on the field like he holds Leny's larges to his lips. The utility player of every season he somehow continues to find a way to stay on the field. Between playing Center, Guard, Tackle, Tight End, and Wide Receiver, he finds time to argue about the validity of his 40 time, which many dispute. Weaver claims that Andy believes he is the "King of Everything" which Andy has neither denied or affirmed.
The greats who have hung up the cleats
Paul "Old Dog" aka "Dog Father" Lysaker

The founder and creator of Baddog Football, we owe a ton to Paul. His hard work, dedication, and desire to throw his body into other grown men every week for 8 years is a testament to his determination to see the team succeed. Now retired, the "Dog Father" has been known to show up at games unannounced to chew players out who are going half speed and not living up to the name. Those who are chewed out by him will where the Scarlet B until they prove to be worthy of wearing green again.
Pat "No Extreme" aka "the Hebrew Hammer" Kunz

Between sets at the gym and drinking non FDA approved supplements, Pat finds time to demolish O lineman and make quarterbacks poop their pants like preschoolers. When you here a loud shout of "No Extreme" beware, this is not only his mating call but it also means the friggin hammer is about to drop on the opposition. Additionally, Pay treats the whole team to an annual BBQ at his house....with kegs.
Mike "Big Mex" aka "Home Depot" Ramirez

Don't be fooled by the oldest man on the team because really "he can help," and by that we mean give the defense the steam they need. When not complaining about or adjusting to his bionic knees, he is creating confusion in the backfield. Known to bitch about being pulled out of the game, he actually cries like a little baby on the sidelines when he is not playing. When given the chance, and when not being old, he can be seen holding the QB's flags like a sack of oranges, he can't be stopped...except by immigration officials.
Michael "Disco" aka "Magic" Evans

The most experienced and knowledgeable player to play with the Baddogs, "Disco" was a great addition to the team. Not only did he have remarkable hands, but he would be sure to let you know when he was open....or about to to be open....or about to beat the guys guarding him....or just generally on the field with you. The loud "Got Him" was sure to grab every ones attention as he raced into the endzone. Not one to be shy of the stage, "Disco" was well liked and when he makes the rare appearance players usually fawn for his attention.
Tony "Doc" aka "The Shaman" Norman

When he is not giving physicals he is getting physical on the football field, like Olivia Newton John. The resident Doctor on the team, Tony dissects QB passes as only a surgeon could do, plucking balls out of sky with the gentle hands of a proctologist. He dodges and weaves through defenses like he is in an ER on a busy Friday night. As a two-way player, his well rounded play on the field leaves opponents in stitches.
Andrew "Big C" aka "Montana" Stewart

A pick up from Carroll College in Montana, Big C was a force to be reckoned with. A standout at Carroll, he quickly became a standout with the Baddogs. Coupled with his size, his athletic ability allowed him to play a variety of positions when needed. However, Andrew loved beating people off the LOS and was one of the better D-rushers the Baddogs have had. During the stretch that Andrew played with the Baddogs, we had "No Extreme", and "Glass Ankles" across the front, a pretty terrifying D-line for any QB. With a big body and a soft skull, he decided to pursue a more minimal impact sport....he was last seen at the pool training for synchronized swimming.
Geno "Italian Stalion" aka "Pasta" Tavella (Left)

The "Italian Stalion" was either clutch or not at all....no in between. If it was 4th and 19, throw it to him in triple coverage and he would pull it out of the air like a pizza dough. He once told an opposing player, "I am just a soccer player learning this new sport, you should throw to my side more often so I can get better." Then after the same guy had a catch on Geno's side, he backhanded the guy and spit in his face while yelling, "I'm still Italian, don't bring that Sh#%t my way!" A free agent pick up with Big C, he also spent time learning under "Boner" but to a lesser extent....I mean he is still Italian. After being traded to a team in Colorado, he decided to try and walk on with the Colorado University team as a kicker....unfortunately for CU, he no longer had any NCAA eligibility. If he had he probably would miss every PAT, but nail game winning field goals.
Mike "The Mouth" aka "Rambles" Rose

If Matt Rose is our mythological Atlas, then Mike Rose is our Ares; the God of War! He's the tip of the defensive spear as he chases down whimpering QB's. And you can't get him to shut up to save your life. You'll say to yourself "Oh, this guys charming," and then "WTF did he just say?" to "Oh, that's funny," and finally "WONT THIS GUY SHUT IT?" You can't stop him, even with a double team... Mike is renowned for his James Joyce-esqu stream of consciousness motivational emails, often bombarding your in-box 3 or 4 times a day if we are not careful. Something like "Don't feed the bears!" comes to mind.
Defensive Specialist
Defensive Specialist
Eric "Half Chub" aka "Lil Boner" Rabon

The only thing more ferocious then Eric's deadpan stare is his video game skills. Similar to his brother, "Boner", he often has to peal himself out of his zombie like trance from a PSIII all-niter to make it to the field. Am active college student, Eric also chooses a semi-monastic life of gaming to increase his spiritual awareness and ultimately reach gaming nirvana. As versatile skill player Erick often gets tasked with shutting down top WR's as a defensive back. Playing some RB on offense, we've found it is often easier to communicate with Eric if we use a blue tooth device and give him a controller in the huddle.
Combo Back - Cornerback
Combo Back - Cornerback
Marshall "Stan Darsh" aka "Agent Zero" Crenshaw

You haven't met someone quite like Marshall. He's kinda mentally challenged. But the Baddogs are an equal opportunity team, and we gave him a shot since he has blood ties. Well, since he keeps slipping his skinny ass through D-Lines like a drug-resistant virus we keep him fed and running. Always upbeat, Agent Zero takes pounding after pounding all the while coming up with flags in his hand like a Tea Party Patriot. Marshall has made quite an impression on his teammates with the Baddogs, not just with his uncanny ability to get flag pulls, but his utterly nonsensical statements that leave you baffled. You can often hear Marshall sing random things that he just heard, like literally just heard... and then he sings it... We don't know why either. So between us giving him encouragement from the sidelines for that next sack on an unsuspecting QB, we're probably asking him what the heck he just said while standing in astonishment.
Defensive Specialist
Defensive Specialist
Ryan "Teboner" aka "I <3 Tebow" McMahon

He'll "plant" himself in your "backfield" and may "build" an ornamental rock wall around your QB... ok, that was ridiculous but the point is he's a beast rusher and a landscaper by trade but a Broncos fan at heart. As a free agent pickup from Davey's Boys, his powerful rush demonstrates he's no "Pansey" like the flowers he might plant in your yard. Always humorous, Ryan adds a great element to the team as long as his knees don't get away from him.
PS. He loves Tim Tebow!
Defensive Specialist
PS. He loves Tim Tebow!
Defensive Specialist
Cory "The Body" aka "The Situation" Patterson

Normally he's not this dark, really he's NOT this dark, actually he's usually blinding defenses with not only his speed but his incredibly white complexion. This free agent D-line specialist can be seen at local gyms, local tanning salons, local body building competitions, and local football fields... but not necessarily in that order. A former champ on the stage, and a current champ with the Baddogs; when he's not eating a power bar with a latte, you can catch him slipping through gaps in the O-line like he's oiled up for another bodybuilding competition.
Defensive Specialist
Defensive Specialist
Andy "The Sledge" Gemmer