North West Flag Football Union
The purpose of this venture is to establish a network of elite flag football team that will compete for the northwest regional championship.
General Format
Members of the union will have the opportunity to compete in 4-6 regional tournament circuit throughout the year, accumulating points for 1st 2nd & 3rd place. Teams in the NWFFU will have the freedom to choose which tournaments they will play in the circuit. However, a minimum number of tournaments will be required. Teams in the NWFFU will decide which tournaments will be included or excluded in the circuit each year.
Style of Play
Each tournament will guarantee that at least one division will be dedicated to the union 8 on 8 style of play. rules will generally follow the 8 on 8 rules outlined by the MCFFU (
There will be no cost for union membership in 2012. In subsequent years Teams will be required to pay a $25 membership fee. This fee will cover the costs of T-shirts, Team Trophy and individual trophies for the Northwest Champion. Individual tournament costs will vary but as an organized union of teams we will work with tournament directors to agree to a reduced rate for teams traveling from an extensive distance. Example: $100 discount if a team is traveling from more than 250 miles.
Current Tournaments
We want to utilize the tournaments that already exist, are run effectively, and maintain the desired formats. Currently the union has outlined 4 Elite Tournaments that have been declared as stops on the northwest circuit; these are listed on the Tournaments Page. Additionally there will be a number of regional tournaments that teams can also play in and earn points, not requiring teams to travel for every tournament.